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Funding & Support

Training Pays Scheme (TPS)


Training Pays Scheme (TPS)

The Training Pays Scheme forms part of the ESF.01.001 – Training for Employment Project and it aims to assist individuals to develop and/or improve their skills by participating in further off-the-job training.

The scheme offers assistance in the form of a refund to aid participants with costs relating to training. This refund will be awarded to the individual (trainee) after successful completion of his/her training.

Jobsplus is pleased to announce that due to popular demand, the Training Pays Scheme has been extended until Monday 31st July 2023 (subject to availability of funds)

Disclaimer: Personal data submitted through this form is collected and processed by a third party on the instruction of Jobsplus. No other third parties have access to your personal information unless specifically required by law. Data processing shall be regulated by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

Scheme terms and conditions (v.1.1_10/04/2023)

  • Chosen training course must be enlisted on our Catalogue.
  • Applications must be submitted by the last day of training (which does not include exams, assignments, and placements).
  • The training course (including submission of assignments, completion of placements and assessments) must be completed by the 31st July 2023.
  • This deadline also applies to any exams administered by external certifying bodies (such as Transport Malta for maritime and aviation-related training courses; City and Guilds, ITEC, VCTC, etc).
  • Any certificates featuring a completion date beyond the stipulated deadline will result in the application being deemed ineligible for funding.
  • At the time of submitting the application, interested individuals should be aged between 15 and 64 years.
    For the age bracket 15-24 years, applicants should have completed compulsory education and cannot be participating in another Jobsplus’ scheme.
  • In the case of third-country nationals, a valid residence permit covering the entire duration of training is required.
  • Training cannot be paid by the Employer.
  • Persons whose primary employment is on a self-employed basis may not apply.
    Should a person have more than one part-time job (one of which being self-employment), the employment which is covered by Social Security will be deemed as the primary employment.
  • For CELTA or TEFL courses, applicants must not have been employed as teachers with an English Language School during the period of training.
  • Individuals cannot be employed with the Training Service Provider.
  • A bank account is required for refund to be processed. The account must be registered under the Applicant’s name. Joint accounts and non-local based bank accounts (i.e., foreign) are also allowed.
  • As part of the application process, individuals will be requested to submit the training schedule, their proof of payment and the Financial Identification Form.
  • The applicable grant value shall be calculated by Jobsplus at 75% of the cost of training excluding VAT.
    The cost of training shall be determined through the proof of payment submitted by the applicant.
  • Eligible training costs include Tuition fees, Training Material, Registration fees and Examination fees.
  • Non-Eligible costs include seminars or conferences, online courses (that are delivered by unlicensed Training Institutions and do not lead to an accredited certification) and SEC / MATSEC examinations.
  • For a full certification course which includes single modules/exit points, trainees can EITHER apply for the said modules/exit points, OR for the full certification in order to benefit from funding under the Training Pays Scheme.
  • The grant will be capped up to a maximum of €5,000, however the maximum grant paid by Jobsplus shall not exceed the amount listed on the course catalogue.
  • A Certificate of Achievement confirming successful completion of training is required. Any other certification (such as certificate of attendance or copy of result slip) will not be accepted.
  • The proof of payment for the training cannot be in the employer’s name and may consist of receipt/s issued by the Training Service Provider, bank statement extracts (showing the date, transaction/s and account holder) or image of encashed cheque (including copy of bank statement showing the account holder and the transaction confirming cheque encashment).
  • Applicants who already submitted an application and/or who received the letter of acceptance confirming eligibility cannot withdraw their application and submit a new application for the same training programme for the scope of benefitting from the increased grant capping.
  • The minimum cost of training (excluding VAT) is €100.
  • All Sections of the Financial Identification Form should be completed, and the information provided should strictly relate to the beneficiary. Please click here to download the form. Additional guidelines are also available by clicking here.
  • Applications may be submitted electronically by clicking the Apply Now button located on the Training Pays Scheme section of the Jobsplus website. Formal confirmation of the refund (including the eligible grant value) to successful applicants will only be issued if the applicant provides all necessary documentation and is confirmed eligible by Jobsplus.
  • For an individual to claim assistance under this Scheme, s/he must not have benefitted or claimed the same training cost in part or in full from any other source (ESF or national funds).
  • When evaluating applications Jobsplus reserves the right to request additional information or supporting documentation.  The Corporation may also seek further guidance from the relevant Authorities.
  • Applications for Subsidy will be approved on a first come first served basis.
  • Upon receiving certification, applicants who received letter of acceptance from Jobsplus may complete their refund request by clicking here. During this stage, applicants will be requested to upload a copy of the certificate and any pending proof of payment.
  • Reasonable care shall be taken by Jobsplus to ensure that the payment process is not unduly delayed. The Corporation shall not be held responsible for delay or loss due to reasons beyond its control. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that their application (including all necessary documentation) is submitted by latest Tuesday, 31st October 2023. Claims submitted beyond this date will not be accepted.

Failure to adhere to any one or more of the conditions listed in this section will render the application as ineligible for reimbursement and subject to recovery of funds.

more information here

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