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Undergraduate Higher Diploma in Human Resources, Marketing and Finance

This programme of studies is intended to introduce participants to the three different professions of Human Resources, Marketing and Finance, whilst simultaneously providing a basis that could lead to further studies in any of these areas or a related area in business studies.



EQF / MQF Level

Level 5

Mode of Delivery


Duration of Course

2 Academic Years, 3-hours, Twice a Week (Full-Time and part-time options available)

Operational End Date



ECTS Credits

120 ECTS

Programme Qualifies for

Get Qualified Scheme

Certificate after completing

Student Success Rate


Awarding Bodies

Domain Academy

*Prices for Non EU applicants may differ



EQF / MQF Level

Level 5

Mode of Delivery


Duration of Course

2 Academic Years, 3-hours, Twice a Week (Full-Time and part-time options available)

Operational End Date



ECTS Credits

120 ECTS

Programme Qualifies for

Get Qualified Scheme

Certificate after completing

Student Success Rate


Course Description

Through the various modules covering these three areas, participants will also be able to improve their learning and understanding of specific work-related situations with which they may already be in contact.

By the end of the programme the learner will be able to:

a)    Work with financial and non-financial information for both organization and personal decision making purposes.

b)    Carryout financial analysis to determine an organisation’s performance.

c)    Lead  effectively one or more groups of people in an organisation’s Human Resources, Finance, Marketing or Administrative departments.

d)    Applymarketing principles to implement one or more specific marketing activities within a specific organisation.

e)    Develop and implement a marketing plan for a product or service.

f)     Identify and implement innovative solutions to meeting employees’ training and development requirements within a specific organization.

g)    Analyse and interpret an organisation’s financial statements to help an organisation make better use of its’ financial resources.

h)    Preparere commendations for superiors to improve business performance in areas such as organisational profitability, market attractiveness, staff motivation and engagement and customer satisfaction.

Target Group:

Learners who wish to widen access to higher education and improve the career prospects within the HR sector.

This qualification is ideal for learners who have obtained the matriculation certificate or relevant qualification at MQF/EQF Level 4 and would like to peruse a progression route to a degree-level study in Human Resource management.  It is also suitable for mature learners who are currently employed and wish to change or advance their career in HR.

Target Audience:

  • 19+

Course Language:


Where you will learn:
Domain Building, 102/104, Constitution Street, Mosta
What you will study
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Higher Diploma
uhdhr - Higher Diploma

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus upon general skills of employability that any professional needs to adopt, and will focus on enabling participants improve their employability within the labour market.

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Management Concepts

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus upon providing a general overview of Management concepts, the role of management within an organisation, and how management helps to build value within the firm. Scope of this module is to introduce various concepts that the participants will be able to relate to within Human Resources, Marketing and Finance.

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Introduction to Human Resources

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the strategic role of Human Resources within an organisation, focusing on the nature of the HR function, the deliverables provided by the Human Resources function, and how this function can be a source of competitive advantage for the organisation. During this module participants will also focus on the link between organisational strategy and the Human Resources strategy.

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Recruitment and Selection

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the nature and function of Recruitment and Selection within an organisation, focusing on the sources of Recruitment, various recruitment techniques used to attract job applicants to the organisation, when to use internal and external sources of recruitment, selection techniques and the conclusion of the recruitment and selection process through the induction process of the new employees. During this module participants will also focus on the strategic importance of Recruitment and Selection in achieving competitive success.

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Equality and Managing Diversity

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the nature and importance of managing equality, equal opportunities and diversity within an organisation , focusing upon not only the origins of equal opportunities and diversity, but the challenges of implementing and maintaining such a culture within an organisation. Moreover, this module will also focus on different approaches to diversity management that may be implemented, as well as an introduction to the Business Case for Diversity. During this module participants will also focus on the advantages and realities of adopting an inclusion strategy in all operational activities.

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Financial Reporting

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the nature and importance of financial accounting, the respective importance of financial reporting for organisational stakeholders, and the additional value of the financial reporting process. This module will also introduce the accounting standards and generally accepted accounting practices (GAAPs), as well as focusing on how financial reporting practices provide stakeholders and interested persons with valuable information for decision making purposes. During this module participants will also focus on the financial statements, the importance of cash and liquidity, as well as interpreting organisational trends in performance.

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Cost Accounting

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the nature and importance of cost accounting, the respective importance of identifying, calculating and managing costs involved in either producing a product or providing a service. Being able to identify and measure costs is a fundamental task of most managerial positions, thus providing valuable information for decision making.  During this module participants will focus on understanding the different types of costs, what constitutes them, how to determine such costs and their importance within specific business activities

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Financial Management

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the importance of financial management, the sources of finance, costs and benefits of the different sources of finance, the strategic and operational implications of using different sources of finance, differences between short-term, medium-term and longer-term sources of finance, cost of capital, methods used to improve financial management and the effect of financial management on an organisation’s liquidity. Being able to identify and measure the effects that using different sources of finance has on an organisation is important for most managerial positions, thus providing valuable information for decision making.  During this module participants will focus on understanding the different sources of finance available to organisations, how to determine their effects on business activities and how to improve an organisation’s finances.

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Fundamentals of Marketing

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the introductory aspects of marketing, the foundational aspects of marketing, understanding the need to meet people’s wants and needs, customers’ expectations, laws of market attractiveness and market competition, designing the customer journey, importance of customer experience, building the strength of brands, and the key elements of customer service. Being able to identify and measure the marketing elements is important in any managerial position as one seeks to meet customers’ requirements as effectively as possible. This in turn generates positivity within the organisation as customers develop loyalty towards an organisation and what this organisation represents.  During this module participants will focus on understanding the difference between meeting and exceeding customer expectations, understanding the criteria of excellent service and how to strengthen a brand, thus improving the organisation’s competitive position.

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Marketing Elements

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the main marketing elements comprising what is referred to as the marketing mix of products and services – or the 4Ps of products / 7Ps of services. Participants will be exposed to practical applications of the marketing mix, being able to not only understand their respective importance in business but also how these are applied in real-life situations, taking well known examples from industry as practical learning situations. Being able to identify and measure the importance of each marketing element will enable participants to develop further awareness on the applicability of marketing aspects to work situations that they are familiar with.  During this module participants will focus on understanding the similarities and differences between developing the marketing mix for products compared with developing the marketing mix for services – thus being able to also apply the marketing mix to those client offers involving both products and services.

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Branding and Advertising

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the composition of brands, how these are developed, built and sustained through various marketing initiatives.  The module will also cover the nature and different forms of advertising that organisations use to attract and retain customers. Participants will be exposed to the concepts of branding, the benefits of branding and the importance of uniqueness that brands provide through their own individual promises of quality.  Participants will also understand the importance of advertising initiatives taken, how to measure the effectiveness of advertising and how to determine which advertising initiatives are more adequate for specific situations. During this module participants will focus on understanding how brands function as well as learning how advertising helps the organisation reach out to its’ customers.

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Performance and Rewards

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the importance of managing performance within an organisation, the effect of performance upon people management, employees’ expectations following performance, performance appraisal systems, composition of rewards, motivation and rewards, financial and non-financial reward systems, understanding and developing reward strategies.  The module will also cover the nature of performance management and also the effects that rewards have on employees’ performance. Participants will be exposed to the concepts of motivation, the benefits of financial and non-financial rewards, and how these are dependent upon and affect performance.  During this module participants will focus on understanding how rewards and performance are linked to and affect each other continuously.

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Developing Human Capital

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the importance of focusing on people development, identifying employees’ training requirements in line with organisational objectives and requirements, focusing on employees’ development requirements, return on investment from training, technical, professional and personal skills and knowledge requirements, the additional investment made in people development and the development of human capital.  The module will also cover the nature of people management through continuous and ongoing development in human capital. Participants will be exposed to the concepts of ongoing training, the different approaches towards training and development, as well as the benefits for the organisation of focusing on both short-term and long-term human capital requirements. During this module participants will focus on understanding how human capital can be nurtured, developed and sustained to ensure continued benefits obtained from the investments made in Human Capital.

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International HRM

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the development and implementation of international HRM practices focusing on inclusion, cultural adaptability, standardisation of HRM practices across different countries, and the mass individualisation that is present in both global and international organisations. The module will also cover the challenges of expats, of people working abroad, as well as the opportunities for development that such experiences present to employees. Issues related to familiarisation to different cultures, different expectations and also different standards that employees working abroad have to handle. Participants will be exposed to the concepts of multiculturalism, universal HR practices and also the opportunities and challenges of working within different cultures.

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Managing Organisational Performance

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the importance of analysing and managing organisational performance, as the objective of all business operations is to provide a greater wealth and adequate return on investment to shareholders. This module will focus on understanding and using the main analytical tools available to analyse organisational performance, including ratio analysis, standard costing and management accounting analytics. Being able to identify and measure the effects on organisational profitability, liquidity and efficiency resulting from the different activities is critical to organisational growth, and participants will be able to understand and apply such reasoning and requirements to actual organisations. During this module participants will focus on understanding the indicators of adequate and inadequate organisational performance.

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Investment Management

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the importance of investments, understanding the composition of stocks, shares and other investment instruments that are available to most organisations.  Among other matters, this module will cover investment analysis, benefits and costs of each form of investment that may be made, and how each affects an organisation’s performance and attractiveness for further investment, as well as how an organisation can harness the advantages that such investments provide to the organisation. Investments provide a valuable source of funds, development opportunities and financial growth for an organisation, and harnessing these investments, exploiting opportunities presented by the market, are valuable insights that the modern manager dealing with financial investments needs to be aware of. During this module participants will focus on understanding the variances existing between different financial investments available.

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Managerial Decision Making

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on managerial decision making, the reasons behind the rationale leading up to decisions, financial and non-financial factors that are considered, the timing and importance of different decisions taken, concept of relevance and different costs that need to be considered in such decision making situations. During this module, participants will also be introduced to the inter-relationship of decisions taken across the organisation, and how these affect the overall organisational performance.  Participants will also be introduced to the more relevant cost and management accounting methods that are instrumental in such decisions

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Consumer Behaviour

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the main aspects of Consumer Behaviour, including Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Relationship Marketing, the main factors influencing Customer Behaviour as well as the Buying Decision Process.  Participants will also understand the differences between business markets and business buying behaviour and customer behaviour, and understand further the factors affecting business buying behaviour. During this module course participants will also focus on market segments and the main bases used to segment different consumer markets.

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Marketing of Services

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the main aspects of marketing of Services, specifically focusing on the additional complexities involved in marketing services and particularly the person(s) providing the service(s).  During this module participants will focus on the diverse characteristics of services, and their marketing implications, including the inseparability of the service from the person providing that service, as well as focus on some marketing strategies that organisations providing services may apply.  Furthermore, aspects relating to service quality, service differentiation and post-sale services will also be covered during this module. Course participants will also get the opportunity to learn how different types of service related industries apply provide their services adapted appropriately to increase customer experience

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Digital Marketing Principles

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the main aspects and principles of digital marketing,  focusing on the growth and continuous development of digital marketing thanks to continuous technological improvements.  During this module participants will be introduced to the business importance of websites, basis of search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques, elements of social media marketing, content marketing and strategy, web analytics, web, mobile and email marketing as well as online reputation management.  Course participants will also get the opportunity to learn and apply different digital marketing applications and how such applications help the business to generate and take advantage of further market opportunities.

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Business Research Methods

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will focus on the main research methods that are used when conducting any kind of research.  The scope of this module is to introduce participants to the field of research, the requirements and objectives of research and the different aspects and types of research carried out. Participants will be exposed to the standard process normally applied in research projects, starting from choosing the area and subsequently the title of the research, leading to the problem description, literature review and choice of a research strategy. Participants will also be introduced to quantitative and qualitative research aspects and get the opportunity to apply these to a subject or issue of their choice

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Research Project

Core Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

The scope of the Research Project is to provide participants with the opportunity to apply a specific research problem related to any area in Human Resources, Marketing or Finance, and apply all that has been learnt into researching for solutions to the particular problem that can be applied within industry. In this regard, participants will be assisted by a tutor who will be able to guide each participant in what should be worked on, how the research problem chosen should be addressed, and how to not only carry out the necessary research but also analyse possible solutions and prepare to implement the selected recommended solution

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How will you learn

This diploma is delivered with a flexible classroom-based method, through a variety of course materials, case studies, discussions, presentations, enquiry-based learning and problem-solving activities. We provide you with key reading and research activities, and you will make the most of our own teaching portal.

Where you will learn:

Lessons will be held in class in our premises at Domain Building, 102/104, Constitution Street, Mosta.


Formative assessment

The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by lecturers to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning and development. More specifically, formative assessments throughout the modules will:

– help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need improvement

– help lecturers recognise where students are struggling and address problems immediately

Summative assessment

Assessments will be designed according to the guidelines of each module specification. In general, the assessments will enable learners to demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes across the individual elements of the program. The range of assessments utilized will normally include essays, reports, presentations and other structured assignments.

Assessments are drafted in conjunction with the curriculum development department and tutor concerned. Final version is confirmed by the curriculum development department.

Assessments are moderated by tutor concerned, then also verified by the Internal Verifier.

The assessment will be based on assignment for each module. There may be one or two assignment for each module.

The assignment will consist of criteria related to each topic within the module with the respective outcomes.

Structure of Programme
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Procedures

This programme offers both variety and flexibility, ensuring that the learning and assessment activities are relevant and of value for future progression.Throughout this programme learners are continuously and actively involved in all teaching methods including;

  • Lectures
  • Hands-on activities
  • Seminar
  • Workshops
  • Enquiry-based learning

Lectures and other teaching methods are delivered interactively, with discussion sessions and tutorials in the form of hands-on and problem-solving activities building on the relevant academic study skills including concepts and practices.

These activities help learners to use different research and online tools. Learners are asked to reflect on the tools and activities, inviting discussions with regards to their own knowledge and skill and adapt these tools to their current situations and contexts. Feedback is given where appropriate throughout the course.

Learners are also introduced to appropriate websites and other related material for further development of their knowledge and skills.

Grading System

Grading will be based on – Pass – Merit – and Distinction.

Resits will be permitted for each respected assignment and module. No more than two resits are permitted to the student and the grading will be only a Pass.

Entry Requirement

Applicants should have either a minimum of 2 passes at A level or an equivalent recognised MQF Level 4 award or qualification (as appropriate), or the equivalent of 3 years working experience in a field/role deemed to be related to the subjects covered in this course.  

Alternatively, applicants having completed their secondary level of education (MQF Level 3) and having 5 years’ working experience of an administrative nature or in a field/role deemed to be related to the subjects covered in this course will also be considered.    

In the case or students whose first language is not English, then IELTS 6 or equivalent is required.  

In certain circumstances, applications from students with considerable relevant work experience but with no or limited formal qualifications may be considered, subject to an interview in which they would need to demonstrate their ability to follow the course successfully.

Fees & Funding

MFHEA Licence Nº: 2011 – TC – 01

Further and Higher Education Institution

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