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MSc Strategic Management

The MSc Strategic Management at Domain Academy Malta operates within the Postgraduate Regulatory Framework which covers all the Masters suite of programmes in The Derby Business School. It aims to set the MSc Strategic Management within the context of the broader field of Business and Management enabling learners to demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding of organisations, the external context in which they operate and how they are led.


January, May and September

EQF / MQF Level

Level 7

Mode of Delivery


Duration of Course

2 – 3 Academic Years – Part-Time

Operational End Date



ECTS Credits

180 UK Credits (equivalent to 90 ECTS)

Programme Qualifies for

Get Qualified Scheme

Certificate after completing

Student Success Rate


Awarding Bodies

University of Derby

*Prices for Non EU applicants may differ


January, May and September

EQF / MQF Level

Level 7

Mode of Delivery


Duration of Course

2 – 3 Academic Years – Part-Time

Operational End Date



ECTS Credits

180 UK Credits (equivalent to 90 ECTS)

Programme Qualifies for

Get Qualified Scheme

Certificate after completing

Student Success Rate


Course Description

The MSc Strategic Management aims to set Strategic Management within the context of the broader field of Business and Management enabling learners to demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding of organisations, the external context in which they operate and how they are led. The MSc Strategic Management aims to:

  • Provide a modular programme within the Postgraduate Regulatory Framework with sufficient variety and flexibility to maintain the rigour of a postgraduate award and to meet market demands.
  • Provide an intellectually challenging, postgraduate learning opportunity that prepares students to “enrich” their chosen career and/or for ‘strategic’ level career development.
  • Develop the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of business and management topics and issues, both systematically and creatively to inform Strategic Management practice.
  • Develop relevant transferable professional and cognitive skills that enables participants to make a valuable contribution to their current or future employment.
  • Support individual participants’ endeavours for personal self-development and life-long learning so as to be able to work with confidence and originality and to contribute to business and society.
  • Allow students to study within a blended learning environment.
  • Reflect external frameworks e.g. QAA Qualifications Framework.
  • Develop closer links with local, regional and international employers, other Schools within the University and with international partners.

Target Group:

It is designed for a new generation of ambitious business professionals and graduates with an international outlook. The business world is experiencing rapid growth on an international scale and, now more than ever, managers within every industry need to be equipped with a strategy for global scalability.

Target Audience:

  • 21+

Course Language:


Where you will learn:
Domain Building, 102/104, Constitution Street, Mosta
What you will study
Enquire Full Course
mscsm-cert - Certificate
mscsm-dipl - Diploma
mscsm - Masters
Career Coaching and Mentoring

Core Module

Learning Hours




UK Credits

The aims of this module are to develop a deeper awareness of career management and to facilitate your’ professional development by analysing personality types, coaching styles and career behaviours. The module will enable you to explore your motivations, behaviours and leadership development and asks you explore what it means to be a professional through a systematic consideration of your role in particular workplace settings. A series of personal diagnostics will act as reference points for your development, along with personal tutoring, coaching and career development workshops. You will develop an understanding of your authentic leadership, refine your ability to connect with others and acquire a global mind-set enabling you to work in culturally diverse environments.

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mscsm-cert - Certificate

Strategy Formulation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Core Module

Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module will provide a broad, basic understanding of strategy and introduce contemporary issues associated with the formulation of strategies at different levels of the organisation. It introduces basic concepts, principles and major analytical approaches that are utilised in strategic formulation, building dynamic capabilities and managing innovation and entrepreneurship.

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mscsm-cert - Certificate

Strategic Execution, Management and Leadership

Core Module

Learning Hours




UK Credits

A brilliant strategy can put you on the competitive map, but only solid execution can keep you there. This module will help you to understand how managers deal with issues involved in strategic execution and management. In a competitive global environment, understanding strategic principles, tools for analysis and techniques for implementation are of great importance to managers, to assist them in enhancing firm performance.

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mscsm-cert - Certificate

International Business Strategies

Core Module

Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module has been designed to build on, and complement, the Strategic Management module and has been structured specifically to explore the global changes that are impacting on multi- and international organizations/corporations and their industries. Additionally, it examines how these changes, and the opportunities and threats which they create, also lure domestic enterprises into the international business arena. It focuses on how various types of enterprise are expanding and relying more on their international operations, and how they develop strategies and establish objectives to either internationalize their domestic operations or expand their current international business operations as part of their overall organisational strategy.

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mscsm-cert - Certificate

Transforming Personal Skills

Core Module

Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module aims to equip you with the professional skills you will need as you develop your career and move into more senior leadership roles.

Through an experiential approach, you will develop critical skills in business including communication, self-management and self-direction. This module also provides an oversight and appreciation of the challenges of professional working. The module develops your academic study skills, your ability to critically review information and your referencing skills.

The development of a portfolio of academic and practical skills will underpin your study at postgraduate level, and support your journey through the programme and within your professional context.

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mscsm-dipl - Diploma

Strategic Risk Management

Optional Module

Learning Hours




UK Credits

This module aims to provide a deep and systematic understanding of the theoretical and practical tools, along with professional and research skills necessary to understand, model and tackle the major risks that arise from the complexity of business environments which demand strategic decision-making.

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mscsm-dipl - Diploma

Strategic Talent Development

Optional Module

Learning Hours




UK Credits

The growth of human capital has been identified as one of the key drivers of performance at an individual, organisational and a national level. This module is designed to assist you in understanding the strategic deployment of human capital in organisations and the relevant factors and skills which you should be aware of if you are to play a part in influencing and shaping the organisation in terms of its human capability.

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mscsm-dipl - Diploma

Innovation in Marketing

Optional Module

Learning Hours




UK Credits

In the current dynamic business environment, it is important to take a visionary approach and embed innovation to help organisations deal with the challenges of a fast-moving marketplace. The landscape of technology and innovation is continuously changing, and it is important to understand the relationship between marketing and innovation and recognise the key factors in building and nurturing innovation within the marketing function. It is important to understand the internal and external marketing factors in supporting a specific innovation.

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mscsm-dipl - Diploma

Financial Dimensions of Strategic Decisions

Optional Module

Learning Hours




UK Credits

Finance and accounting are at the heart of any contemporary organisation, from multi-million-pound global companies to small local charities, yet often the people making major decisions within these organisations have only a very basic understanding of the financial implications of their decisions.

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mscsm-dipl - Diploma

Sustainable Business Management

Optional Module


Learning Hours




UK Credits

As a consequence of growing public awareness of the impact of businesses on the environment and the ever increasing body of environmental legislation, there is increasing desire among businesses to operate in a more sustainable manner. This module will provide you with a critical knowledge and understanding of the corporate sustainability challenge facing organisations as well as the skills required to drive the improvement in organisational culture and environmental performance resulting more sustainable, future fit businesses.

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mscsm-dipl - Diploma

Independent Study

Core Module

Learning Hours




UK Credits

Independent study normally forms a significant part of a masters programme. This is a major piece of independently researched work, providing an opportunity to carry out an in-depth investigation of a management problem or issue that should normally have a strategic dimension which addresses organisational issues and provides a process for solving management problems.

More information

mscsm - Masters

How will you learn

Modules within this course will be delivered by expert academics who are practising professionals too. This ensures that module content remains up-to-date and highly relevant and brings through pertinent examples from the business world which are current and topical.

Delivered entirely online through our user-friendly student portal dashboard and intuitive digital learning environment, you will interact with your tutors and fellow students and through a mix of virtual live classrooms, tutorials and guest lectures. Group discussions and debate are held through forums and community spaces and the use of collaborative tools such as wikis for group projects and assignments. Digital texts, ebooks, journals, databases and more are available electronically via our library.


A range of assessments, commensurate with level 7 requirements has been devised and the programmes operate within the University’s Regulatory Framework and conform to its regulations on assessment. A flexible approach has been taken in developing the assessment strategy, to allow for the diverse nature of the student cohorts as well as the different learning styles of individual students. Programme team members have been encouraged to share good practice create and develop relevant assessment. Assessments for all modules have been designed to be inclusive for all students. Formative assessment will be provided across the breadth of modules to assist you in both a structured learning approach but also to provide feedback opportunities, this is particularly important to you in the early stages of the programme, as this gives you clear benchmarks with regard to your progress on the programme. The process may include self assessment, peer review, as well as feedback from the tutor/s following class (and other synchronous) exercises for example based on enquiry based learning and problem based learning activities etc. Summative assessment will take different forms to ensure congruence with the programme aims and learning outcomes identified, and the master’s levels in knowledge, skills and personal development.

Over the course of a programme the student will experience different assessment methods which may include computer aided tests, research projects, work based reports, case study analysis, patchwork assessment, and reflective reports. In all cases, assessment is directly related to either student’s personal development or in diagnosing and applying solutions to their organisations (or comparable case study organisations). To ensure consistency across modules summative assessment will normally be a 3,500 word, or equivalent, assignment for a fifteen credit module. Where assessment has more than one component the weighting will be pro rata. In the MSc Strategic Management programme the final assessment at Master’s level is a major piece of independent study, demanding the demonstration of a wide range of knowledge and skills, including those as indicated in the QAA level 7 benchmarks.

Structure of Programme

The academic year is made up of three 10-week terms, known as trimesters. We recommend around 20 hours of study per week to complete one 20-credit module over a 10-week trimester for the standard study plan.

If you opt to undertake the accelerated study plan whereby you will study two modules in one trimester, we recommend 40 hours of study per week.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment Procedures

The development of the autonomous and independent learner is further enhanced by a range of technology enhanced learning tools and activities. Students will have access to a range of tools and activities, providing support for research activities, personal diagnostics, additional content, online discussion and self-directed study techniques. Different methods will be used to take account of different learning preferences and include, for example, face to face or virtual lectures, case studies, role play, debates, student presentations, formative and summative enquiry based learning, and problem solving activities. The programme encourages students to apply learning to the work place and this is a central feature of the teaching and learning strategy. This will be achieved through a variety of means with the aim being to encourage and develop critical evaluation and the ability to synthesise and apply solutions to complex real life Management problems. Teaching and learning approaches will be appropriately applied to each cohort in order that the same learning outcomes are achieved, but at times through different methods, whilst facilitating the development of effective peer support networks and learning sets. This will provide a stimulating experience as well as assisting students in their ability to critically evaluate and apply knowledge and intellectual skills to differing situations.

A range of assessments has been devised and the programmes operate within the University’s Regulatory Framework and conform to its regulations on assessment. A flexible approach has been taken in developing the assessment strategy, to allow for the diverse nature of the student cohorts as well as the different learning preferences of individual students.

Grading System

90-100% Excellent – Distinction

80-89% Excellent – Distinction

70-79% Excellent – Distinction

60-69% Very good – Merit

50-59% Good/Satisfactory – Pass

40-49% Unsatisfactory – Marginal Fail

5-39% Very Poor – Fail

Entry Requirement

You should normally have the following:

  • Undergraduate degree (at least a 2:2) with Honours in any discipline or equivalent
  • Where candidates have a Business related degree with a lower classification we would consider entry with an additional 1-2 year’s work experience at a relevant supervisory or managerial level
  • we would also consider
  • professional qualifications
  • relevant work experience equivalent to an undergraduate degree

Students should also be in possession of either of the following:

  • IELTS 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each module
  • TOEFL 550 paper based (213 computer based or 80 internet based)
  • Cambridge Advanced Certificate pass · London Tests of English level 5
  • International GCE O level English Language grade C
  • International GCSE English or English as a second Language grade C
  • ASE Proficiency pass

Students should produce copies of certificates, full CV in EuroFormat and passport-size photo.

Fees & Funding

MFHEA Licence Nº: 2011 – TC – 01

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